Short ARC Book Review-Ten Reasons To Stay

Ten Reasons To Stay
School For Heiresses
Sabrina Jeffries
Pocket Star
E Book
Published May 6 2013
150 Pages
Regency Historical Romance
ISBN: 9781476731612
Author’s Website 

A delightful eNovella from New York Times bestselling author Sabrina Jeffries about a young woman who learns that you can’t learn about love from a textbook.

In “Ten Reasons to Stay,” previously published in the anthology The School for Heiresses, lessons go far beyond etiquette and needlepoint. Eliza Crenshawe’s lesson is to look before she leaps. But when she discovers that her new guardian plans to marry her off without so much as a Season, she forgets all that. She flees—on a horse she unwittingly steals (oops!)—from Colin Hunt, a newly minted earl who wants nothing more than for her to go home…or stay forever.

My Review 
I was thrilled when I was given this ARC, even though I am not a huge fan of novella’s, I found this was to be thoroughly entertaining. It definitely didn’t have no slow start, very quick paced and easy to get into the flow of the story. I really enjoyed the charming characters that had me from the first page of the story.

It starts out with a young woman trying to steal (borrow) a horse, to escape a forced marriage and ends up a prisoner in a Gothic castle of a house with Colin Hunt who has recently returned from India. Instantly we see sparks fly between these two like fireworks, and I found their romance a adventure. It was a quick and fast read and I probably read in within a hour, only 150 in my nook, so it didn’t take very long to read—-which is sometimes nice. I felt instantly drawn into this endearing love story that captivated me from the first line. Sabrina Jeffries always delivers in  a outstanding way where she writes such stories with charm and flair. LOVED IT!!!

First Line 
The new Earl of Monteith, Colin Hunt, had been in possession of Chaunceston Hall less than a day and already trouble was afoot.

Favorite Quote 
“Have you no sense of danger, you little fool?” he exploded as he bent close. “No idea of how you tempt fate every time you open that reckless mouth of yours?”
“Not where you’re concerned,”she shot back. “Perhaps you alarm others with that black scowl, but I can tell a gentleman when I see one, and you–“
He cut off her words with a hard kiss. 
He’d meant it to shut her up, to shock her. Unfortunately, he did far more than that. It mad him conscious of her as a woman. A desirable Woman. 

My Grade 
4.5 Blossoms

Heat Rating 

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