Stacking The Shelves (8)

Stacking The Shelves (2)

This has been a great week for some new books that I have been able to add to my shelves. I didn’t get any from the library this past week, been trying to read what I already have from the library, but I did purchase some ebooks and a audiobooks. 



I got this audiobook, because the previous book left a huge cliffhanger, and I just had to see what happens next. Not sure what I think of the series, its not my favorite, and I am not a huge fan of MacKayla to be honest. So far, I am not liking her, she was much better in book four. So it might take me a while to get through it, but so far not super impressed. But we shall see if things improve. I think after reading most of this series, that I definitely like her paranormal romance series….WAY BETTER!! This series has just frustrated me quite a bit and I have never really understood where Moning has gone with it. But I know many people love this series though, I am just not super impressed with it.

E book 

Dirty Thoughts

This is a book that recently came out, and is getting quite a bit of attention from fellow bloggers and reviewers. And Avon is delving into the New Adult genre, (which I Love, because I love Avon), and it involves a grumpy and sexy hero, and some fun bantering…who am I to resist? And it was on sale at 1.99 So its a win win in my book
Once Upon A Billionaire

I am so hooked on this series, and I don’t know why I love it so much, I just do. So this is the fourth book, and I just finished it, and review will be coming up next!! YAY. And for once the cover kinda matches the story since we are dealing with a royal wedding and the hero comes from a royal family. The heroine is so funny, warm, and down to earth, and the hero is stiff and proper…yep these two have some entertaining moments thats for sure. I could hardly put this one down and read it in just a couple of hours.

Down London Road

I just read this today, and what a story!! I really loved it, and oh boy did it have some tearjerker moments. I don’t know why it took me so long to get back to this series. Now onto book three!!

Wildfire In His Arms

The first book was amazing, and so I had to buy this one the moment it came out at midnight. Because quite frankly I feel like Lindsey is getting her jive back. So I can’t wait to read it soon.

The Shadow Revoution

I read a review of this book on Delighted Reader by my dear friend Sophia, and I just had to get it. Its been quite some time since I read a solid steampunk romance novel and this seemed to fit what I have been looking for.

All Of Me

This is a new favorite author of mine. I recently read the first book of her fireman series and adored it, and a sexy baseball player….you so have me!!! And I am really liking the style of covers of this series…very classy.

Forgotten Sins

I just finished her Dark Protectors series, and so I knew I just had to try this series out. I have been hearing some great things about it.


I saw a review of this book, and thought it would be a good idea to try out a MC romance, and I did enjoy it quite a bit, except it had a cliffhanger, oh boy…do I hate those. So I loved and hated this one hehe. The next book comes out in August.

Darkness Awakened

Darkness Awakened is a series I have seen around but haven’t looked into ( I have no idea why, since I love paranormal romance) and this story is a reunion romance…which is one of my favorite tropes in romances, so this was a must read for me.

The Beast In Him

This is a series I have been wanting to get back to, and I do own the first book, and plan on reading this series this summer, and I have heard some outstanding reviews on these books. So I am pretty excited.

12 thoughts on “Stacking The Shelves (8)

  1. The Shadow Revolution was very good. I enjoyed that book as well. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love


  2. That’s a wonderful haul, Renee, with different genres, and several are on my to-read list, including the On Dublin street series that I so need to read !


  3. Down London Road is on my list – loved the first book, On Dublin Street. I am also looking forward to reading Jennifer Bernard’s book. I have been collecting her fireman books, too.


  4. I need to try the Jennifer Bernard…love sexy baseball players! The Fever series is a difficult one to describe or rate, in my opinion. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it was an exhausting series. I have the first of the spin-off featuring Dani on my TBR shelf that I need to read someday. Hope you enjoy all of your reads!


  5. Hehe! Glad I hooked you on one and I hope you like it. I love Rebecca Zanetti’s Sins Brothers, too, so I’m looking forward to what you think there. I really want the baseball one and ugh, I detest cliff hangers, too.

    Happy Father’s Day!


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